It's Just Me!

Since I don’t have a whole lot to do nowadays, I thought I’d just take some time to jot down some of the things I do on a regular or irregular basis. I’m not going to write a new post every single day, but I’ll try and write something when something is going on. I hope this doesn’t get too boring, but this will be how it was for a 71 year old retired guy in San Antonio, TX.

Alamo Draft House and Big City Plumbing Co. Night!

Went to the Alamo Draft House cinema last evening. We got there a little early so the theatre and Travis wasn’t all that ready for us. We still went on in and Travis and Pat were just setting stuff up. We were probably about 15 minutes too early, but that

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Random Ramblings

So far, I’ve gone about three days without a bad headache. Oh, yesterday I had a small one, but Ramona got some new Vanquish and I did take a couple the other night and my headache went away pretty darn fast. I didn’t think they would work on these headaches,

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51st Anniversary

Gotta’ post something on our 51st Wedding Anniversary!  I’m sitting here waiting for the florist to deliver my order. It should have been delivered earlier this morning, but hasn’t happened just yet! I hope they don’t wait until we got to dinner. 3:40 – Flowers were finally delivered so that’s

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Tahoe in for Maintenance

18:00  Got the Tahoe back. All the work was done and it only cost us $159 and change. The Chevy guy came and picked me up right around 3:50 or so and I waited at the dealers for them to glue the light cover on so that took another 30

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Yesterday and Today!

Not much going on right now. Yesterday, the 25th of May, was my 71 Birthday. I got a lot of B’Day wishes thanks to Facebook friends and others I do not know. Seems like Ramona’s cousins follow her lead in wishing me (and anyone else) a Happy Birthday. Travis called

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It’s Just Me!

Since I don’t have a whole heck of a lot to do nowadays, I thought I just take some time to jot down some of the things I do do on a regular basis. I’m not going to write a new post every single day, but I’ll try and write

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