Tulane vs OU

Game date: 09/04/2021

OU Wins!

Final Score:  Tulane 35 – OU 40

First game of the season and it didn’t go as smoothly as hoped. The defense didn’t seem to perform any better than last year while the offense seemed kind of sluggish. Spencer Ratter did a decent job of throwing, but his running ability is almost none existent. Rattler’s second pass of the game was picked off so that wasn’t a good start. It got worse, Tulane actually scored on their first set of downs and OU was behind in their first game of the season! This was an opponent we were supposed to beat by 30 points! Tulane kept matching OU’s TDs so ti was a pretty close game all the way through.  Our wide receiver Mims seems to be the guy to throw to this year. He’s separating from the defenders and Rattler is doing a good job of finding him open. Tulane had a number of drives where they fumbled the football and for the most part OU took advantage of those mistakes. OU was making their share of mistakes with penalties! Gabe Brkic, out field goal specialist was doing a very good job. Didn’t miss one all day. OU defense really feel apart at the end and let Tulane score a couple of TDs that they shouldn’t have. Fortunately, we did stop them on their last drive. Although we had them backup and they were facing fourth down, their QB got lose and was taken down just a foot short of the line of gain.

So, OU comes away with a win, but it sure wasn’t as easy as expected.

Record:  1  –  0

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